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(248) 370-2450

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-2450

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.



The Title IX Coordinator is the University’s official who is responsible for ensuring compliance with Title IX. 365英国上市官网 has both a Title IX Coordinator and a 第九条副协调员. 当应诉方是教职员工时,前者会对不当性行为的指控进行回应和调查, 当性行为不端指控的回应者是一名学生时,后者解决了这类问题.

Title IX和合规总监
(248) 370-2450

学生事务副院长 & 第九条副协调员
(248) 370-3352

*If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of the content or documents on this page, 请浏览我们的 公众无障碍声明. Please contact Chad Martinez if you would like to make arrangements to view documents in person.*

副和第九条协调员, 校园决策者, have attended various trainings including:  


No, 第九条保护所有人在接受联邦财政援助的教育项目或活动中不受性别歧视, including institutions of higher education. Key areas in which recipients have Title IX obligations are recruitment, 招生, 咨询, 金融援助, 和体育, 举几个例子.

Sexual misconduct is unwelcome acts of a sexual nature without consent. This includes sexual harassment, sexually hostile environments and sexual violence.

描述“不受欢迎”或“未经同意”的最佳方式是描述“同意”的样子, 它没有什么:

  • 同意是一种肯定, 明确的, and a conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed upon sexual activity
  • Consent is revocable and can be withdrawn at any time
  • Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to another form of sexual activity
  • Consent to sexual activity on one occasion is not consent to engage in sexual activity on another occasion
  • Silence, or no response, does not imply consent
  • 同意与一个人进行性活动并不意味着同意与另一个人进行性活动
  • 同意不包括强迫, 恐吓, 威胁, or physical force Consent cannot be given by persons who are underage
  • 如果一个人在精神上或身体上无行为能力,以致他们无法理解事实,则不能给予同意, 性状况的性质或程度. This includes incapacitation due to alcohol or drug consumption, or being a睡眠 or unconscious.

If an incident of sexual misconduct occurs off campus can the university investigate?
Sexual misconduct that occurs at any University sponsored program, 无论是校内还是校外, 如不当行为对校园造成不利影响或造成敌对环境及/或损害大学利益,会否受到调查.

If an incident occurred and I was drinking will I get in trouble?
OU’s priority is to prevent sexual misconduct. While the specifics of the situation will be considered, OU’s primary focus will be to address sexual misconduct.

Someone has filed a report against me, what should I do?
Do not contact the reporting person by any means – in person, 通过电话, 通过邮件, 通过社交媒体, by electronic communication or through someone else. 熟悉公开大学的政策和程序,调查公开大学行政政策和程序内部网页面上的不当性行为投诉, 健康与安全. If you have questions about the policies or process, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the 第九条副协调员.

To whom should I report that I've been the victim of sexual misconduct?
If you are a student, please visit the 教务长 student reporting page.

如果你是教职员工, please visit the 教务长 faculty and staff reporting page.

If you wish to make a report confidentially, the OU咨询中心 是一个机密资源. Your confidentiality will be protected to the maximum extent possible, but anonymity may hinder the timeline for an investigation into your complaint. For additional confidential resources, see the 资源 page.

If you want to remain anonymous, contact the OU咨询中心 讨论写报告. 各方的隐私是OU的优先事项, 然而, at times information must be disclosed in order to fully investigate a report. Anonymity may hinder the timeline for investigation into your complaint. 如果你担心匿名, discuss this with the Title IX Coordinator or the 第九条副协调员.

我朋友告诉我他们被侵犯了. 我能帮什么忙吗?
Be supportive and listen to what they have to say, then encourage your friend to report.

What are my obligations if an incident of sexual misconduct is reported to me?
任何经历过, witnesses or learns of sexual misconduct is strongly encouraged to report the situation to the University. The person reporting does not have to be the target. The OUPD is the first responder to any immediate safety concerns. 如果你是教职员工 and you become aware of a student that has been victimized, you must report the incident to the 学生办公室主任.

What if I am retaliated against for reporting sexual misconduct or 参与调查?
You cannot be retaliated against for inquiring about possible sexual misconduct, 做报告, 参与调查, or assisting another person in 做报告. Retaliation is a serious violation of University policy and, 如果发现已经发生, will subject the violator to discipline up to, 并包括, 解雇或开除, even if sexual misconduct is ultimately found to not have occurred.

If I am involved in a Title IX investigation for alleged sexual misconduct, may I seek 治疗 from a medical professional at OU?
No. For Title IX investigations of alleged sexual misconduct, the university prohibits the use of medical experts that have an actual or apparent conflict of interest.

If I am involved in a Title IX investigation for alleged sexual misconduct, do I receive the same report as everyone else? 
是的. For Title IX investigations of alleged sexual misconduct, the university prohibits the issuance of divergent reports of complainants, 受访者, and administration and instead requires that identical reports be issued to them.

If I was sexually assaulted by a medical professional under their care, am I still responsible for the medical appointment expenses?
No. The university prohibits seeking compensation from the recipient of any medical procedure, 治疗, 或由因医疗程序而被判重罪的医疗专业人员提供的护理, 治疗, 或关心.

I'm considering filing a Title IX complaint against an employee with past allegations, 但是什么也没找到. 学校会采取什么措施吗? 
是的. 如果对员工的指控超过1次,导致大学发现没有发生不当行为, 大学要求第九条官员立即以书面形式通知校长或校长以及大学管理委员会成员,并采取一切适当措施确保对此事进行彻底调查, including hiring an outside investigator for future cases involving that employee. 根据本分部进行的第三方第九条调查并不禁止大学同时通过其自己的第九条协调员进行自己的第九条调查. 

If I've experienced sexual assault, can I report this to the police and the university?
是的. The university notifies each individual who reports having experienced sexual assault by a student, 错误的成员, or staff member of the university that the individual has the option to report the matter to law enforcement, 去大学, 两个, 或者两者都不是, 随个人选择. 


The University has a number of policies in place to address sexual violence and other related incidents.

For concerns about student behavior, please see: Policy 625: Student 不正当的性行为 Policy, 学生行为准则.

For issues concerning faculty and staff, or other community members, please see: Policy 710: Administrative Guidelines Prohibiting Discrimination.

For sexual misconduct that meets the definition of a Title IX violation, please see: Procedures for Responding to Title IX Sexual Harassment.

For all other sexual misconduct concerns see:
Policy 711: Guidelines for Handling Discrimination Complaints.

If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, 请联系多元化主任, 股本, 和包容.


原告: Any individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment. 任何人都可以举报性别歧视, 包括骚扰, whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of discrimination or harassment.

同意: 同意是明确的,知情的,自愿的. 同意是主动的,不是被动的. Silence, in and of itself, cannot be interpreted as consent. If coercion, 恐吓, 威胁, or physical force are used, 没有同意. 同意任何一种形式的性活动并不自动意味着同意任何其他形式的性活动. In addition, previous relationships or prior consent cannot imply consent to future sexual acts. 如果某人在精神上或身体上无行为能力或受损,以致该人无法理解事实, 性状况的性质或程度, 没有同意. This also includes a person whose incapacity results from mental disability, 睡眠, 或者是非自愿的身体约束.

胁迫: 不合理的性压力. 强迫行为与引诱行为的不同之处在于一个人为了得到另一个人的同意而施加的压力的类型. When someone makes clear to you that they do not want sex, 他们想要停止, or that they do not want to go past a certain point of sexual interaction, continued pressure beyond that point can be coercive.

约会暴力: Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim and where the existence of such relationship is determined based on consideration of the following factors: (1) the length of the relationship; (2) the type of relationship; and (3) the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.

天: Refers to working days, rather than calendar days, unless otherwise specified.

家庭暴力: 该术语包括由受害者的现任配偶或亲密伴侣犯下的重罪或轻罪的暴力犯罪, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, 或任何其他人侵害受密西根州法律保护的成人或青少年受害者.

正式投诉: 由投诉人提交或由第九条协调员签署的文件,指控被投诉人遭受性骚扰,并要求被投诉人对性骚扰指控进行调查. “投诉人提交的文件”是指包含投诉人物理签名或数字签名的文件或电子提交(例如通过电子邮件或通过365英国上市官网为此目的提供的在线门户网站), or otherwise indicates that the complainant is the person filing the formal complaint.

方: 投诉人或被告.

被申请人: An individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.

制裁: 对被认定对违反本政策负有责任的答辩人实施制裁的决定将取决于该不当行为的性质和严重程度, any record of prior discipline for a violation of this policy, 或两个. 对学生的制裁可能包括, 但不限于, expulsion or 悬架 from the University, 留校察看, 被开除出校园宿舍, 委托咨询, 和/或教育制裁. Sanctions against employees and other non-students may include, 但不限于, 书面谴责, 留校察看, 悬架, 终止, 降级, 重新分配, 工作职责的修订, 减薪, exclusion from campus or particular activities, 和/或教育制裁 deemed appropriate.

性侵犯: “性侵犯”一词是指在联邦调查局统一犯罪报告制度下归类为暴力或非暴力性犯罪的犯罪行为. A nonforcible sex offense includes incest and statutory rape. A forcible sex offense is any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.

性骚扰: Sexual harassment is misconduct on the basis of sex constituting one of the following:

  • An employee of the University conditioning the provision of an aid, 好处, or service of the institution on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
  • Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the University’s educational programs or activities; or
  • 下列任何一项:
    • “性侵犯”的定义是20年美国法律.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v)及本保单
    • “约会暴力”在美国的定义是.S.C. 12291(a)(10)及本保单
    • 《365英国上市官网》第34条对“家庭暴力”的定义.S.C. 12291(a)(8)及本保单
    • 《365英国上市官网》第34条对“跟踪”的定义.S.C. 12291(a)(30)及本保单

跟踪: 从事一种针对特定的人的行为,这种行为会使一个理性的人担心他或她的安全或他人的安全, 或者遭受严重的情绪困扰.

支持措施: Non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, 是合理可行的, 在提交正式投诉之前或之后,或在没有提交正式投诉的情况下,不向投诉人或被投诉人收取费用或收费. 此类措施旨在恢复或保持接受教育项目或活动的平等机会,而不会给另一方造成不合理的负担, 包括旨在保护各方安全或大学教育环境或防止性骚扰的措施.



  • OU警务处, Police and Support Services Building Dial 911 (campus phone) | (248) 370-3331 (cell phone)

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Thank you for your interest in requesting a Title IX training program. To ensure that we can meet the needs of your collective, we ask that you request a training program at least three weeks in advance.

365英国上市官网的教职员工可以参加基石在线培训项目,以提高对性骚扰和性侵犯的认识和预防. 参观 OU人力资源 page to find the Cornerstone login and review the library of programs available.

请联系查德·马丁内斯. 查德·马丁内斯,J.D.